Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Katha Upanishad
Know the atman to be the master of the chariot; the body, chariot; the intellect, the charioteer; and the mind, the reins.
The senses, they say, are the horses; the objects, the roads. The wise call the atman—united with the body, the senses and the mind—the enjoyer.
If the buddhi, being related to a mind that is always distracted, loses its discriminations, then the senses become uncontrolled, like the vicious horses of a charioteer.
But if the buddhi, being related to a mind that is always restrained, possesses discrimination, then the senses come under control, like the good horses of a charioteer.
From Autobiography of a Yogi:
"The whole cosmos is a projected thought of the Creator. The heavy clod of the earth, floating in space, is a dream of God's. He made all things out of his mind, even as man in his dream consciousness reproduces and vivifies a creation with its creatures."
From Secrets of Creation Revealed:
"After arriving at the Nirvikalpa state, man realises for the first time that his whole existence as a physical body as well as an individualized consciousness is unreal, evanescent, and ephemeral. He then knows for certain that the individualised body aspect and the individualised consciousness aspect are composed of mere dream stuff of the Primary Consciousness, the only Absolute Reality behind all the worlds of phenomena.
When He (Primary Consciousness) imagines or daydreams, He creates a dream stuff composed cosmos, which to us is the waking cosmos and of which we all are a part. Thus we all are His day dream. The cosmos is not composed of a so called real physical matter. On the contrary it is composed of Primary Consciousness alone albeit Primary Consciousness in His formful mode."
Nikola Tesla
Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the universe. Though seemingly affected only by its immediate surrounding, the sphere of external influence extends to infinite distance.
Carl Jung
“Carl Jung had an instinct that what was wrong with life, what made life tear apart, made it incomplete, was because the feminine was rejected, driven insane, driven mad by a world of men. Rejected by a masculine-dominated world.”
Sri Aurobindo Ghose 1872 - 1950
"The meeting of man and God must always mean a penetration and entry of the Divine into human and a self-immergence of man in the Divinity."
Terence Mckenna, The Archaic Revival
“We have been to the moon, we have charted the depths of the ocean and the heart of the atom, but we have a fear of looking inward to ourselves because we sense that is where all the contradictions flow together.”
Huzur Maharaj Rai Saligram
"A heart devoid of Love or Affection is as hard as stone, and does not form a suitable receptacle for the Light of Heavenly Grace and Mercy.Where Pure Love dwells there sheds the Light of Grace, as it forms a link with the Spirit or Love Current from It's Source, the Supreme Being… Love is most sublime, having its origin in the Highest Region, the Abode of the Supreme Being. In whatever heart it springs up, It will gradually raise and carry the fortunate possessor of this lofty and noble passion to the Highest Region."
Deepak Chopra
“You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers. In every moment of our existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices.”
“Although you appear in earthly form Your essence is pure Consciousness. You are the fearless guardian of Divine Light. So come, return to the root of the root of your own soul.”
There is no place more sacred than the heart and soul of a human being. Therefore, when someone allows you to enter their interior, do so with respect, take off your shoes so as not to hurt or dirty, walk slowly as if among clouds, and always leave" FOOTPRINTS OF LOVE "
"Our real self, the soul, is immortal. We may sleep for a little while in that change called death, but we can never be destroyed. We exist, and that existence is eternal. The wave comes to the shore, and then goes back to the sea; it is not lost. It becomes one with the ocean, or returns again in the form of another wave. This body has come, and it will vanish; but the soul essence within it will never cease to exist. Nothing can terminate that eternal consciousness."
Nisargadatta Maharaj
You are neither the body nor in the body — there is no such thing as body. You have grievously misunderstood yourself; to understand rightly — investigate.
Wu Hsin
“The mirage of an egg cannot be shattered by any mallet. Likewise, the mirage of a separate self cannot be shattered by any individual. The individual is, itself, the mirage.”
Amy Weatherly
“Some people could be given an entire field of roses and only see the thorns in it. Others could be given a single weed and only see the wildflower in it. Perception is a key component to gratitude. And gratitude a key component to joy.”
Ramesh S Balsekar
“The sense of duality, which is a barrier to true love, must prevail so long as the apperception of Truth has not occurred. Once individuality is surrendered, there is only total Love.”
Robert Wilkenson
“To realize Self is to realize the eternal freedom of the spirit. The first realization of the Self as something intensely silent and purely static is not the whole truth of it. There can also be a realization of the Self in its power. Establishing the mind in the Self means the conviction that the self alone is all, and that there is nothing other than it. As ones process deepens, the pervasive sense of coolness and calmness shows that the consciousness is reorienting itself at a deeper level of the being.
Ramana Maharshi
“That inner Self, as the primeval Spirit, Eternal, ever effulgent, full and infinite Bliss, Single, indivisible, whole and living, Shines in everyone as the witnessing awareness. That self in its splendour, shining in the cavity of the heart This self is neither born nor dies, Neither grows nor decays, Nor does it suffer any change. When a pot is broken, the space within it is not, And similarly, when the body dies the Self in it remains eternal.”
Swami Rama Tirtha
“Sit still, chant Om’ and then think Who is within you. All the Vedanta, nay all the philosophy of the Hindus is simply an exposition of this syllable Om.’ Om’ has a charm about it, an efficiency, a virtue in it which directly brings all feelings and all thoughts into a state of harmony, brings peace and rest to the soul and puts the mind in a state where it is one with God. Science may not be able to explain this, but this is a fact which can be verified by experiment. Woe unto science if it goes against the truth connected with the efficiency of the sacred syllable Om.’ The real Self which is knowledge absolute and power absolute is the only stern Reality, before which the apparent reality of the world melts away! Om’ is the name of this Reality.
Ram Dass
The final awakening is the embracing of the darkness into the light. That means embracing our humanity as well as our divinity. What we go from is being born into our humanity, sleep walking for a long time, until we awaken and start to taste our divinity. And then want to finally get free. We see as long as we grab at our divinity and push away our humanity we aren’t free. If you want to be free, you can’t push away anything. You have to embrace it all. It’s all God.
Anon I mus (Spiritually Anonymous)
“The quality of your life does not depend on what you have or what you do, but rather your state of being.”
Thich Nhat Hanh, The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching
You don't have to die to enter nirvana … you only have to dwell deeply in the present moment, right now.
by Hazrat Inayat Khan:
What is really good? The answer is, there is no such thing as good or evil. There is beauty. That which is beautiful, we call good. That which is ugly compared with the beautiful, we call evil: whether it is custom, idea, thought or action. This shows that this whole phenomenon of the universe is the phenomenon of beauty. Every soul has an inclination to admire beauty, to seek for beauty, to love beauty, and to develop beauty. Even God loves beauty.
Monday, December 30, 2024
Sexual energy
When we learn to master our sexual energy, this powerful force can be a catalyst for spiritual growth. Sex is a sacred act. The level of physical, emotional, and spiritual bliss that can be experienced is dependent upon the level of consciousness and awareness which we bring to the act.
Thich Nhat Hanh
"True love is born inside. For true love to exist, you must feel complete within yourself, not needing anything from the outside.
True love is like the sun, shining with its own light & offering that light to everyone."
"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves."
~ Plato
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light."
Morgan O. Smith
It’s good to leave each day behind, Like flowing water, free of sadness. Yesterday is gone and its tale told. Today new seeds are growing.
Rasheed Ogunlaru
Compassion is even more powerful than courage. Sure, with courage you can conquer a world - but only with compassion can you heal and build it.”
Kar Kirpa Sahib
“Surrender. Let silence have you. And if you find you are still swimming on the surface of the ocean, let go and sink into the depths of love.”
A soul is as great as the circle of its influence by Hazrat Inayat Khan
The size of a man's sphere corresponds with the extent of his sympathy, or we may say, with the size of his heart. His sympathy holds his sphere together. As his heart grows, his sphere grows; as his sympathy is withdrawn or lessened, so his sphere breaks up and scatters. If he harms those who live and move within his sphere, those dependent upon him or upon his affection, he of necessity harms himself. His house or his palace or his cottage, his satisfaction or his disgust in his environment is the creation of his own thought. ... Each individual composes the music of his own life. If he injures another, he brings disharmony. When his sphere is disturbed, he is disturbed himself, and there is a discord in the melody of his life. If he can quicken the feeling of another to joy or to gratitude, by that much he adds to his own life; he becomes himself by that much more alive. Whether conscious of it or not, his thought is affected for the better by the joy or gratitude of another, and his power and vitality increase thereby, and the music of his life grows more in harmony.
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ππβπ» πβπππΈ, πβπΈβπ πππ π½πβ πΌππΌβππβπβπΎ. 2024, thanks for the ride—but I’m ready to fly! ✈️ 2025. As the year closes, I reflect on gratitude! π Goodbye, 2024! Let the countdown begin!
Sunday, December 29, 2024
Friday, December 27, 2024
~ Baba Hari Dass, Fire Without Fuel
The Self is pure consciousness—it is beyond the characteristics of the mind. Pleasure, pain, anger, hate, attachment, anxiety, are within the mind, and they are expressed by sensory responses in the body... The mind controls the gross body, which is simply matter, composed of five elements. Nevertheless, this gross body is the mark of a living being. All of the labels worn by this body—such as black, white, Christian, Jew, man, woman—take birth and die... The Self is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, and beyond all forms. When the Self is trapped within the body, the indicator of the Self, “I,” starts identifying with the body. This wrong identification is called ignorance... The real “I” is not the body, mind, or life force (prana). It is pure consciousness and can’t wear the same labels worn by the gross body.
Baba Faqir Chand, Know Thyself To Know God
You, me and all have come from There. But, after coming into this world, we have forgotten about our Original Abode and we are completely engrossed in this world. Even though we face all sorts of difficulties, miseries and tortures, this world appears to be very attractive to us. Our desires for wealth, honour, fame and prosperity amidst all sorts of griefs and miseries continue to increase without any end. The Saints come in this world only for those who have no attachment with this world and with the creations of their own mind. The teachings of the Saints are only for those who understand that they are here for a specific period and not forever. Guru Nanak Sahib has named the Supreme Centre of Energy or the Lord of this world as ‘AKAL PURUSH’ [Timeless Supreme Being]
Recently a Russian Orientalist, Mr Sergei Alexeyev, has described Jesus as a Hindu Sannyasin.The publication of this book will help Chris...
“As the sun, revealer of all objects to the seer, is not harmed by the sinful eye, nor by the impurities of the objects it gazes on, so th...