Wednesday, July 31, 2024

(Swami Chidananda, Light Fountain Divine Life Society)


 To the enlightened one, the world as he knew it ceases to be, and everything now stands enmantled (shrouded) by a shining vesture of divine effulgence, hitherto invisible to his normal vision.

Robert Adams

 "It really makes no difference what sadhana you practice, whether you practice Zen, or Taoism, or mystical Christianity, or Cabala. What you practice makes no difference. But what are you doing with the practice? Are you really diving deep within yourself and finding your own reality? Or are you still reading many books, going to many lectures, becoming totally confused?

Leave the world alone. Do not try to correct the world.

When I say correct the world, I mean correct people, places or things.

Everything has a tendency to balance itself. There are certain laws in this universe that take care of itself.

There's a power and a presence that knows the way, and you are told to surrender to this power, to this presence.

Complete surrender. Not my will, but thine. This is the highest teaching of any system.

When you give up your ego, totally surrender, and allow the powers that be to direct you, and guide you, and take care of you and unfold as you, everything will work out."

Ram Dass

 The spiritual journey is not about acquiring something outside yourself. Rather, you are penetrating the layers and veils to return to the deepest truth of your own being.”


Look around at the sky and the earth. Don’t be inert like a wooden bench. Watch the sky moving, and see how every motion in creation connects with the creator. Stars, these natural impulses, our very selves …

The soul is greater than anything you ever lost...

Amma Karunamayi


Our true nature is not limited ... it is like the vast ocean. ... When we touch Supreme Consciousness through meditation, then we are boundless, we are everywhere, we are eternal.

Atma, the Eternal Witness Unknown Author


 Within the Vedantic knowledge, the eternal witness within every living being is called the Atma. The word Atma means light or effulgence. The Atma is the very core of each individual which registers all feelings, thoughts, consciousness, and awareness. Western science has taught us that our living forms or bodies have evolved from simple one celled organisms into the complex organization of the human body as it exists today.

 Inherent in this view is that our thoughts and feelings arise as illusions from the electrical nerve activity in the brain. But the sage knows the body to be secondary and dependent on the primary spirit within. Without the spiritual Atma, the perceiver of all thoughts, feelings and sensations; the organically living form would fall down senseless in an instant. The spiritual entity is the cohesive force behind the physical organization and once the Atma withdraws from the body, disintegration begins immediately.

katha upanishad


To very few is it given to hear about the Atma
Many more who hear of the Atma, do not understand.
Wonderful is the person who speaks of it.
Intelligent is the person who learns of it.
Most blessed is he who hears it
from a knowing teacher and understands it.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Kularnava Tantra

  ''The body is the temple of God. Jiva is Sadashiva. Let him give up his ignorance as the offering which is thrown away (Nirmalya) and worship with the thought and feeling, 'I am He'."

​Mundaka Upanishad


“That immortal Brahman alone is before, that Brahman is behind, that Brahman is to the right and left. Brahman alone pervades everything above and below; this universe is that supreme Brahman alone.

Hazrat Inayat Khan


Among a million believers in God there is scarcely one who makes God a reality.

Of all the millions of believers in God perhaps only one makes God a reality, and that is because the picture man makes of God is as limited as himself. The knowledge of God is beyond man's reason. Man only perceives things he is capable of perceiving. He cannot raise his imagination above what he is used to, and he cannot reach beyond his imagination to where the being of God is.

Fire of Love Rumi

LOVE and LOVER live in Eternity. Other desires are substitutes for that way of being.

Joseph Campbell

 The problem in middle life, when the body has reached its climax of power and begins to decline, is to identify yourself, not with the body, which is falling away, but with the consciousness of which it is a vehicle. This is something I learned from myths. What am I? Am I the bulb that carries the light? Or am I the light of which the bulb is a vehicle?

One of the psychological problems in growing old is the fear of death. People resist the door of death. But this body is a vehicle of consciousness, and if you can identify with the consciousness, you can watch this body go like an old car. There goes the fender, there goes the tire, one thing after another— but it’s predictable. And then, gradually, the whole thing drops off, and consciousness, rejoins consciousness. It is no longer in this particular environment.




  Don’t be a storehouse of memories.

Leave past, future and even present thoughts aside.

Be a witness to the life unfolding by itself.

Be free of all attachments, fears and concerns

by keeping your mind inside your own heart.

Rest in being.

Like this, life is always fresh and imbued

with pure joy and timeless presence.

Be happy, wise and free. What’s the other choice?


 Human excellence depends on the growth of the human spirit, a rich quality of life. Courage and conviction in the heart are the true signs of human excellence. The fusion of the energy of manliness with spiritual energy has a tremendous power of impact on the world situation. Peace, happiness and a sense of fulfilment comes from the fusion of the material forces with spiritual forces.

Avadhuta Gita

  i-54. My mind, my friend, many words are not needed, and the world hardly comprehends reason. In a word, I have told you the essence of truth: “You are Truth, you are as space”

Meister Eckhart

 There is no need to look for God here or there. He is no farther away than the door of your own heart. --

Kabir Book of Prayers

  The soul finds drops of nectar flowing.

It longs to see God and,

on being in His presence,

it bathes in the river of tranquility. 

Adi Shankaracharya

  The fool thinks, "I am the body"; the intelligent man thinks, "I am an individual soul united with the body." But the wise man, in the greatness of his knowledge and spiritual discrimination, sees the Self as the only reality and thinks, "I am Brahman."

Monday, July 29, 2024

Buddha (Dhammapada 90)

 "Troubles do not exist for those who have completed the journey of life, are free from worries, are at ease in all matters, and have escaped all bonds of bondage. "

Kundalini elevates to a state of effulgent happiness


“My tears of sorrow changed to joy, and I lay there praising God in such ecstasy of joy as only the soul who experiences it can realize.” – “I cannot express how I felt. It was as if I had been in a dark dungeon and lifted into the light of the sun. I shouted and I sang praise unto Him who loved me and washed me from my sins. I was forced to retire into a secret place, for the tears did flow, and I did not wish my shopmates to see me, and yet I could not keep it a secret.”- “I experienced joy almost to weeping.”- “I felt my face must have shone like that of Moses. I had a general feeling of buoyancy. It was the greatest joy it was ever my lot to experience.”- “I wept and laughed alternately. I was as light as if walking on air. I felt as if I had gained greater peace and happiness than I had ever expected to experience.”




  Ramakrishna has stated that a man cannot realise God if he possesses even one of the eight occult powers. He quoted Lord Krishna teaching Arjuna "Friend, if you want to realise Me, you will not succeed if you have even one of the eight occult powers. This is the truth. Occult power is sure to beget pride and pride makes one forget God."

Thomas Traherne when reading The Perennial Philosophy of Aldous Huxley


‘Your enjoyment of the World is never right till every morning you awake in Heaven; see yourself in your Father’s Palace, and look upon the earth and air as celestial joys, having such reverend esteem of all, as if you were among the Angels. The bride of a monarch, in her husband’s chamber, hath no such causes of delight as you.

The Book of Abramelin

 It seemed to me as though I was listening to a Voice, not human but celestial, and I felt a joy in mine heart such as I could not express.

VISIONS by James Levitski

Anon I mus (Spiritually Anonymous)

 “When an atheist rejects the idea of ​​‘God’, they are usually denying the existence of an external, personal god (a mind-made, religious deity). However, no one can refute or deny the underlying, inseparable reality of Universal Oneness (the ever-present field of organizing intelligence); it would be like a fish that denies the existence of water. "   


 "When people were lost in the

forest of belief that liberation can be achieved by going to special places, reciting special mantras, performing special ceremonies, that time, the LORD BUDDHA came to discover and preach this very simple message that, giving up self-interest, spreading kindness to all beings, from the heart.

Liberation is only achieved by the destruction of desire;

Not by going to any place, or bathing in water, or making oblations in fire, or chanting mantras. This is very simple talk's to hear, but to discover this spiritual word, a prince (SIDDHARTHA GAUTAMA) had to leave his kingdom and wander through deep forests and paths. "

So, The Buddha, the Enlightened One, was often approached by people of different views. To them he would say, "Let us set aside our differences. Let us give attention to what we can agree on, and let us put it into practice Dhamma life."

may everyone be blessed with good health, happiness, prosperity and attainment of supreme wisdom.

Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

 "When we take our first steps on the Path, we are not yet capable of helping others. To accomplish the good of others, we must first perfect ourselves, by purifying and transforming our minds.

This is the aim of what we call the preliminary practices, which establish the foundations of all spiritual progress.

You may feel like dispensing with these foundations in order to practice teachings that you think are more profound, but if you do so, you are building a palace on the surface of a frozen lake."

Rig Veda

 Unsoiled by dust, the golden cosmic

chariots of the clouds are shining like

kindled flames, enlarging themselves

twofold and threefold at will. They are

invested with great strength and virile


Sunday, July 28, 2024

Chamtrul Rinpoche

 Ask yourself: Do I want to continue being a great practitioner of ignorance, anger, and desire? Or do I want to become a great practitioner of wisdom and compassion instead?

Do not waste your precious human rebirth by making the wrong decision.

And remember that no amount of intellectual knowledge can satisfy the need for the direct experience that is beyond concepts and duality. Do not be a fool and spend your whole life in a book.

Of course you must study the teachings, but you must also know when it is time to put what you have learnt into practice. Only direct experience can set you free.

Spirit can only love spirit; in loving form it deludes itself Commentary by Hazrat Inayat Khan:

Can anyone kill life? If there is any death, it is that of death itself, for life will not die. Someone went to a Sufi with a question. He said, 'I have been puzzling for many, many years and reading books, and I have not been able to find a definite answer. Tell me what happens after death?' The Sufi replied, 'Please ask this question of someone who will die. I am going to live.' The idea is that there is one sky which is our own being; in other words, we can call it an accommodation. What has taken possession of this accommodation? A deluded ego that says, 'I.' It is deluded by this body and mind and it has called itself an individual. When a man has a ragged coat he says, 'I am poor'. In reality his coat is poor, not he. What this capacity or accommodation contains is that which becomes his knowledge, his realization, and it is that which limits him. It forms that limitation which is the tragedy of every soul.

Drawing on Water By Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Instead of allowing ourselves to be led and trapped by our feelings, we should let them disappear as soon as they form, like letters drawn on water with a finger.


 Your acts of kindness are iridescent wings of divine love, which linger and continue to uplift others long after your sharing.

Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche

 In the Dzogchen teaching, if you are in any kind of place and at that moment, you are in a state of rigpa, then that is your place, your sacred or holy place. In general people want to go to a holy place such as a temple to do practice. But when you are in instant presence, then wherever you are becomes a holy place, your temple.

Kabir: In the bliss of Sahaj


My mind has returned
To its own primal state;
I realized the Lord
When I died while living.
Says Kabir: I am merged
In the bliss of Sahaj;
I no longer know fear,
Nor inspire it in others

-Thich Nhat Hanh

 The secret of Buddhism is to remove all ideas, all concepts, in order for the truth to have a chance to penetrate, to reveal itself.

Vasistha to Rama


When the mind is at peace and the heart leaps to the supreme truth, when all the disturbing thoughtwaves
in the mind-stuff have subsided and there is unbroken flow of peace and the heart is filled with the
bliss of the absolute, when thus the truth has been seen in the heart, then this very world becomes
an abode of bliss.

 (II:12) Aum Namoh Narayana

Alan Moore

 There is no future. There is no past. Do you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet.