Friday, April 26, 2024



This Place is a Dream. Only a Sleeper Considers it Real. Then Death Comes Like Dawn and You Wake Up Laughing at what You thought was Your Grief.

Eckhart Tolle


 “In this world, you have to be careful with what kind of thoughts you absorb from the collective because there’s so much unhappiness in the collective energy field of humanity. So, it’s very easy to get drawn into that, if you’re not careful, and participate in the suffering of the collective…fear, anxiety, anger, that’s everywhere.” 


Love originates within YOU by Panache Desai


While external factors or people can trigger love within you, they can never be the source.

You have always had love inside of you.

It originates within you, and you were created to experience it.

It's not about having, needing, controlling, achieving, or getting something.

It's about experiencing your true, authentic self.


Eric Putkonen



Brahman alone exists…this does not preclude variation.

It is like when you are dreaming at night. The whole dream arises from one consciousness. But in the dream, you think you are a single dream character and different from other dream characters. In fact, there is only consciousness. There really is no difference between the dream character you think you are and other dream characters…it is all just consciousness. All the forms in the dream are all consciousness and the variety in forms does not mean it is other than consciousness. So if you dream you are being chased down an alley, you are really chasing yourself. There is no one else there…no other.

The dream characters can be different from each other while still being the same consciousness. The dream characters need not be identical, but they are all nothing but consciousness and not other than the same consciousness…and thus identical to consciousness (it could be said).

Do not fixate on the forms…it is all just consciousness. Beyond form and yet no form (in the dream) is other than the one consciousness.


Thich Nhat Hanh


 We need a real awakening, enlightenment, to change our way of thinking and seeing things... Realise you are the Earth and your consciousness is also the consciousness of the Earth.




 We put on a sacred thread and call ourselves learned people. We put on the orange robes and call ourselves Sanyasins. But it is not the thread, it is not the clothes that make a man learned or a monk. True religion is the deep spirit of humility, renunciation and service." 


Robert Adams


 You have attached yourself to sickness, to health, to good, to bad, to happiness, to unhappiness, these are all concepts. You've attached yourself to person place or thing. You have forgotten that this is a dream. You believe it’s real and because you believe it’s real you suffer accordingly. When you leave your body you will have to come back again and again and again, all part of the dream, until you become detached.


Ramana Maharshi


It all boils down to stillness of mind, the tradition or practice matter little. With complete stillness of mind, samsara will disappear root and branch.



“Even a particle of matter or wave of energy is indestructible, as science has proved; the soul or spiritual essence of man is also indestructible. Matter undergoes change; the soul undergoes changing experiences. Radical changes are termed death, but death or a change in form does not change or destroy the spiritual essence.”


Rabindranath Tagore


“And when old words die out on the tongue, new melodies break forth from the heart; and where the old tracks are lost, new country is revealed with its wonders.”