Thursday, March 6, 2025

Peter Deunov

 “Peacemakers are living in the Divine Fire.Peacemaking is the Divine beam,
which comes from the depth of the human soul.
The peacemakers are the Sons of God.
Peacemaking is a Divine Light and it comes from the flame that has created it.”


 Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.

Paul Brunton

 The world does exist, we are surrounded by it, and usually we apply the term to something that does not exist. It will be more correct to translate the term Maya not by "unreal" but by "not what we think it to be." We must not deny the existence of the world--that would be lunacy--but we must try to get a correct understanding of its hidden nature.


 The consciousness in you and the consciousness in me, apparently two, really one, seek unity and that is love.

Robert Adams


There is absolutely nothing in this

world that can rise up against you

if you understand who you are !

It is when you believe that you are

human, when you believe you are

a body and a mind, then and only

then do you begin to have problems.

But if you stop thinking, if you allow

yourself not to think, where are the


The problems are in the thoughts.

Your body is in your thoughts.

Your experiences are in your thoughts.

Where else would they be?

And ultimately the thoughts do

not exist. There are no thoughts.

There is no mind.

So you're playing games with yourself.

This is God's divine leela, the play of consciousness.

Paul Brunton Chapter 4: Seek the Deeper Stillness


When the personal ego's thoughts and desires are stripped off, we behold ourselves as we were in the first state and as we shall be in the final one. We are then the Overself alone, in its Godlike solitude and stillness.


One feels gathered into the depths of the silence, enfolded by it and then, hidden within it, intuits the mysterious inexplicable invisible and higher power which must remain forever nameless.


A life with this infinite stillness as its background and centre seems as remote from the common clay of everyday human beings, and especially from their urban infatuation with noise and movement, as the asteroids.


This stillness is the godlike part of every human being. In failing to look for it, he fails to make the most of his possibilities. If, looking, he misses it on the way, this happens because it is a vacuity: there is simply nothing there! That means no things, not even mental things, that is, thoughts.


The spirit (Brahman) is NOT the stillness, but is found by humans who are in the precondition of stillness. The latter is their human reaction to Brahman's presence coming into their field of awareness.


That beautiful state wherein the mind recognizes itself for what it is, wherein all activity is stilled except that of awareness alone, and even then it is an awareness without an object--this is the heart of the experience.

Robert M. Pirsig Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Ch. 15

  The language we’ve inherited confuses (this). We say “my” body and “your” body and “his” body and “her” body, but it isn’t that way. … This Cartesian “Me,” this autonomous little homunculus who sits behind our eyeballs looking out through them in order to pass judgment on the affairs of the world, is just completely ridiculous. This self-appointed little editor of reality is just an impossible fiction that collapses the moment one examines it.

It’s like a dance ~ Tenzin Palmo

 It’s like a dance. And we have to give each being space to dance their dance. Everything is dancing; even the molecules inside the cells are dancing. But we make our lives so heavy. We have these incredibly heavy burdens we carry with us like rocks in a big rucksack. We think that carrying this big heavy rucksack is our security; we think it grounds us. We don’t realize the freedom, the lightness of just dropping it off, letting it go. That doesn’t mean giving up relationships; it doesn’t mean giving up one’s profession, or one’s family,or one’s home. It has nothing to do with that; it’s not an external change. It’s an internal change. It’s a change from holding on tightly to holding very lightly.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025


 "The Tao gives birth to One. One gives birth to yin and yang. Yin and yang give birth to all things… The complete whole is the complete whole. So also is any part the complete whole… But forget about understanding and harmonizing and making all things one. The universe is already a harmonious oneness; just realize it."


 “Life is one, it goes on moving. It comes into you; it passes through you. In fact to say that it comes into you isn't right, because then it seems as if life comes into you, and then passes out of you. You don't exist -- only this life's coming and going does. You don't exist -- only life exists in its tremendous forms, in its energy, in its millions of delights. Once you understand this, let that understanding be the only law.”