Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Sukhdev Virdee

 "Eternal peace, happiness, love and joy are not found in things or people. It can only be gotten when you realize your true Self, that is bliss itself, peace itself, love itself and joy itself. Once you realize your true Self as Brahman, you are not happy but happiness itself, you are not peaceful but peace itself, you are not in love but love itself and so on."

W. Owen Cole


“God is immanent and all-pervading This is not too surprising when we remember that the Gurus were mystics and that the vision of such people is one that finds the presence of God in every experience and object. They also shared with many Hindus the belief that the atman, or jot (divine spark) or individual soul, is one with the Primal Soul, Brahman, though Sikhs tend not to use this particular term.”

David Bentley

 For Sufi thought, God is the Self of all selves, the One—al-Ahad—who is the sole true 'I' underlying the consciousness of every dependent 'me.' According to the Kena Upanishad, Brahman is not that which the mind knows like an object, or that the eye sees or the ear hears, but is that by which the mind comprehends, by which the eye sees, by which the ear hears; atman—the self in its divine depth—is the eye of the eye, the ear of the ear, the ground of all knowing."

Karen Armstrong

 "It seems that when human beings contemplate the absolute, they have very similar ideas and experiences. The sense of presence, ecstasy and dread in the presence of a reality—called nirvana, the One, Brahman or God—seems to be a state of mind and a perception that are natural and endlessly sought by human beings."

Devdutt Pattanaik (Seven secrets of Shiva)


"The difference between Agamas and Nigamas is that Agamas focus on the worship of a deity with form, i.e. saguna brahman, while Nigamas focus on the worship of a formless deity, nirguna brahman."

Monday, September 9, 2024

Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa


"The wise know that living by scriptural injunctions (good deeds, sacrifice, and so forth) will help you reach heaven. But the true yogi knows that even heaven is part of nature (prakriti) and thus is eventually perishable. This yogi therefore transcends all of nature to reach Me, Brahman, the Imperishable Godhead, the Divine Love who lives in your heart.”

Sarah Macdonald


“Brahma is the Generator, Vishnu the Organizer and Shiva the Destroyer. Together they are G.O.D. or Brahman. All the millions of Hindu gods are just forms of the one Supreme Being.”

The Collected Works of Sri Ramana Maharshi


"In the middle of the Heart-cave the pure Brahman is directly manifest as the Self in the form of ‘I-I’."

Amrutur V. Srinivasan


"The goal of life, according to Hindus, is to reach back to Brahman, the one Reality, by realizing our true nature. That goal is defined as moksha: liberation from repeated cycles of births and deaths. The goal is to realize unity, or oneness, with Brahman. For that reason, the Hindu prays, “Asato ma sat gamaya,” which means “Lead me from the unreal to the real."

David Lynch

 "He whose happiness is within, whose contentment is within, whose light is all within, that yogi, being one with Brahman, attains eternal freedom in divine consciousness. BHAGAVAD-GITA"