Friday, July 26, 2024

Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

 “The more you listen to your breath, the more you can hear the voice of your soul.”

Anon I mus (Spiritually Anonymous)

 “Most of us are prisoners trapped inside of the societal illusion of conditioned thinking patterns that prevents us from being all that we are in the Now.” 

Taittiriya Upanishad 1:4:2


“Thou art the source of all happiness and of all prosperity. Do thou come to me as the goddess of prosperity and shower thy blessings upon me. May the seekers after truth gather round me, may they come from everywhere, that I may teach them thy word.”

🌿 Ram Dass


Until you can allow your own beauty, your own dignity, your own being, you cannot free another. So if I were giving one instruction, I would say: Work on yourself: have compassion for yourself: allow yourself to be beautiful, and all the rest will follow

Light and Sound Form the Very Basis of Life

  “If we look at the universe we will appreciate that light and sound form the very basis of the whole of the universe surrounding us including our own bodies…the creation… If these two elements are somehow removed from the universe, the universe would collapse or get dissolved or even more appropriately put, would simply cease to exist. This process is known as involution or ‘laya’ (in Sanskrit), as opposed to evolution. Light and sound form the very basis of life…


 You are not needed: the river moves by itself, you are not to push it. If you are trying to push it, you are simply foolish. The river flows by itself - allow it to flow.

Stanislaw Lem

 Man has gone out to explore other worlds without having explored his own labyrinth of dark passages and secret chambers, and without finding what lies behind doorways that he himself has sealed

The Divinity Of Life by Swami Tathagatananda


The Hindu mind is singularly dominated by one paramount conception: the divinity of life. Regarding the creation of the universe, Hindu tradition, based on the experiences of illumined mystics, asserts with deep conviction that God is the supreme creator of every thing and every being. The Reality within and the Reality without are identical. There is complete harmony between the individual and the universe, the microcosm and the macrocosm.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Swami Abhayananda

  "This “vision” of the Self is described in the Upanishads as Liberation (moksha). It is a freedom, a release, from doubt, from uncertainty, from the fears attending ignorance, forever. All questions are answered; all desires and causes for sorrow are put to rest; for thereafter, a man knows the secret of all existence. All previous notions of limitation and mortality, all darkness of ignorance, is swept away in the all-illuminating light of Truth:"
