Friday, December 11, 2020

Ramana Maharshi

 Sayings from Bhagavan.

Recorded in June 1918 By C.V. Subramania Aiyer.
1. Turn the mind inward and rest in your own Self.
2. Mind is the cause of bondage.
3. Give up one thing after another and rest in peace.
4. What we get, we shall lose, so desire not.
5. There are two kinds of meditation. The first is to be practised
by advanced aspirants — nirguna dhyana — where one seeks
to know the Meditator himself. The second kind is to be
practised by those less advanced — a some what round about
course — saguna dhyana — where the meditator, meditation
and the object of meditation get merged ultimately into one.
6. When I come to know that I was never born, I shall never
die. Death is for one who is born. I was never born. I have
no body and so I shall never die. I am everywhere; where am
I to go and where am I to come?
7. When a man’s mind is dead, he will not die again.
8. Attain the sushupti (state of sleep) in the jagrat (waking)
state, and you become a jnani.

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