Saturday, January 4, 2025

Samael Aun Weor

 "If we sincerely and wholeheartedly want a radical change within that center named the “I,” then we have to recognize our lamentable state of misery and interior poverty and stop being so preoccupied with ourselves, so that we could work for humanity without seeking rewards. This means abnegation, the complete forgetting of oneself, and the complete abandonment of oneself.

It is impossible to obtain a radical change within ourselves if we only think about filling our pockets with more and more money.

The “I,” the myself, wants to grow, improve, evolve, interact with the great people of Earth, acquire influence, position, wealth, etc. Superficial changes in our person are worthless. They do not change anything and do not transform anyone or anything.

We need a profound change within each and every one of us. Such a change can only be carried out within the center that we carry inside, within the “I.” Like a potter’s cup, we need to break the egotistical center.

It is urgent to extirpate the “I” in order to induce a profound, radical, total, and definitive change within each one of us. The way we exist and the way we like to be within can only serve to make our lives bitter, as well as the lives of those around us.

The “I” wants to fill itself with honors, virtues, money, etc. The “I” wants pleasure, fame, etc. In its crazy eagerness to expand itself, it creates an egotistical society within, where only disputes, cruelties, insatiable covetousness, ambitions without limits and boundaries, wars, etc., exist.

To our misfortune, we are members of a society created by the “I.” Such a society is useless, harmful, and deleterious. It is only by radically extirpating the “I” that we can integrally change ourselves and hence change the world."

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