Monday, January 15, 2024



Theosophy teaches – that the Universe is a cyclic and periodical manifestation. It comes forth into existence from the Divine Principle by means of evolution (not creation) and remains and evolves over an incredibly lengthy period of time. Then it gradually disintegrates and disappears, everything being reabsorbed into Brahman. Eventually, after the same duration of time for which it had existed, it is reborn, on a higher level than before


Theosophy teaches – that the Universe and everything in it is in the constant process of evolution. The evolution of matter and of objective forms is undeniable but the most important aspect of evolution is the evolution and gradual unfoldment, advancement, and development of the unseen inner entities (or souls) through those material/objective forms and bodies. Man descended as a “Divine Spark” into matter and has worked his way up into the human kingdom by passing through the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms in long ages past. Now he is evolving back up towards the consciousness of his true spiritual nature.

Unknown Author


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