Friday, January 26, 2024

The Emerald Tablets:


Thy Light, O man, is the great Light, shining through the shadow of flesh. Free must thou rise from the darkness before thou art One with the Light.

Light is life, for without the great Light nothing can ever exist. Know ye, that in all formed matter, the heart of Light always exists. Aye, even though bound in the darkness, inherent Light always exists.

Ever his destiny shall lead him onward until he is One with the Light.

Aye, though his way lies midst the shadows, ever before him glows the Great Light. Dark though the way be yet shall he conquer the shadows that flow around him like night.

Far in the future, I see man as Light-born, free from the darkness that fetters the Soul, living in Light without the bounds of the darkness to cover the Light that is Light of their Soul.

Hear ye the Word that shall fill thee with Life. Hear ye the Word that shall banish the darkness. Hear ye the voice that shall banish the night. 

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