Friday, December 2, 2022

By Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

 "As the old shaman entered into his final prayer journey he was shown that the seed for the renewal of our world was planted in Mother Earth at the beginning of time. He remembered that there is a timeless liturgy, in which this primal connection with all of life nurtures us both in the seen and unseen worlds, that our world is not as we think; it was created not just from atoms or particles, but in its depths is buried the original prayer song. A deeper mystery, how we can begin to find our way back to this sacred inner garden, by following a long forgotten prayer path. We are invited to join him on a Shamanic Prayer Vigil this winter to plant & cultivate The Sacred Bodhichitta Tree Of Infinite Transformative Light into the Inner Heart of Humanity & Mother Earth." Adapted from "Seeding the Future: A Deep Ecology of Consciousness"

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