Saturday, November 27, 2021

For as Shankara sang

"I am not the mind, intellect, thought, or ego;Not hearing, not tasting, not smelling, not seeing;I am not the elements–ether, earth, fire, air: I am the form of Conscious Bliss: I am Spirit! I am neither Prana, nor the five vital airs; Nor the seven components of the gross body; Nor the subtle bodies; nor organs of action: I am the form of Conscious Bliss: I am Spirit! I have no aversion, clinging, greed, delusion; No envy or pride, and no duty or purpose; I have no desire, and I have no freedom: I am the form of Conscious Bliss: I am Spirit! I have no merit or sin, nor pleasure or pain; No mantra, pilgrimage, Veda or sacrifice; Not enjoying, enjoyable, or enjoyer: I am the form of Conscious Bliss: I am Spirit! I have no death or fear, no distinction of caste; Neither father, nor mother, nor do I have birth; No friend or relation, guru or disciple: I am the form of Conscious Bliss: I am Spirit! I am without attributes; I am without form; I am all-pervading, I am omnipresent; By senses untouched, neither free, nor knowable: I am the form of Conscious Bliss: I am Spirit!"


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