Monday, December 7, 2020

Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.

 The more you develop flowerlike divine qualities, the more God will reveal to you His secret omnipresence in your soul.

Do you realize that within you, in your soul, is a superb guarden? a wondrous guarded of thoughts, fragrant with love, goodness, understanding, and peace, and more beautiful than any earthly flowers that grow. You cultivated a fragrant blossom whenever someone in anger misunderstood you and you continuously gave love to him. Isn't the aroma of that love and understanding more lasting than that of any rose ? So always think of your mind as a guarden, and keep it beautiful and fragrant with divine thoughts, let it not become a mud pond, rank with malodorous hateful moods.
If you cultivate the heavenly scented blossom of peace and love, the bee of Christ consciousness will steel into your garden. As the bee seeks out only those flowers that are sweet with honey,so God comes only when your life is sweet with honeyed thoughts. Resolve that in your garden of good soul qualities you will not allow the evil stinkweed of anger to grow. The more you develop flower like divine qualities, the more God will reveal to you His secret omnipresence in your soul......

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