Sunday, November 15, 2020

Sriman Narayana


“By remaining as close to the origin of the identity, or at that previous point from which thoughts emerge, which is easy to find, you just have to be silent and the little point of silence you have … it's there. And staying there, you'll see that inevitably a thought arises and attention moves towards it. It's not there anymore, come back. And when you stay at that point, you begin to understand, intimately, what takes your attention with strength. Then you will have the chance to know what the beliefs associated with that, they're usually beliefs of low self-esteem, anger, hatred, sadness and all the searches associated with that, personal appreciation, recognition, it can be so many things.
And as you investigate all that drives you... because when you stay quiet and try to keep quiet, you will realize what drives you with intensity and then you will be able to see why, and seeing why is important to be able to consciously cut that investment. If not, it's just about braking, just braking, holding, holding, until the pressure gets so high that there's no way not to go.
Now, when you understand why... a simple example: when you are angry with someone and want pay back. When you manage to be there in that place (of stillness), first you'll have a choice, because if you don't be there you won't have a choice, you'll be impelled and you'll only realize when it has already happened. Once there, there is a gap between the impulse and then the expression, and time to leave, to let go. And as you have that time you'll start to realize that anger arises because you think that person has affected you in some way, that your value has been affected in some way, it'll touch your sadness, wake up pains that are there. And as sadness is very difficult to deal with, then anger comes as a way of preserving that world. When you touch the sadness behind the anger, it releases, it emerges and it releases, it empties. This way emptying your stock of suffering and releases you. The other maintains and feeds.
Nothing should disturb silence. Getting out of automatic is basic. And for that, attention must be at the origin, in the stillness, and not at the periphery.”
Sriman Narayan

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