Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Sat Darshana Bhashya and Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi


D: Then what is samadhi?
M: In Yoga, the term samadhi refers to some kind of trance and there are various kinds of samadhi.
But the Samadhi I speak of to you is different. It is Sahaja Samadhi. For, here you have samadhana, you remain calm and composed even while you are active; you realize that you are moved by the deeper real Self within, and you do or think unaffected by what you do, speak or think. You have no worries, no anxieties, no cares.
For here you come to realize that there is nothing belonging to you,
the ego. And everything is done by Something with which you get into conscious union.
D: If this is Sahaja Samadhi and the most desirable condition there is no need for nirvikalpa samadhi?
M: The nirvikalpa samadhi of raja yoga may have its use. But in Jnana, this Sahaja sthithi, or Sahaja nishtha itself is nirvikalpa state. For in this state, the mind is free from doubts. It has no need to swing between alternatives of possibilities and probabilities.
It has no vikalpa of any kind. It is sure of the Truth.
It feels the presence of the Real. Even when it is active, it knows it is active in the Reality, the Self, the Supreme being.

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