Thursday, December 19, 2019

-Master Samael Aun Weor, from his book, “Tarot and Kabbalah”

You who are searching for initiation, you who read immensely, you who live fluttering from school to school always searching, always longing, always sighing, tell me with sincerity… Did you awaken your Kundalini?
Did you open the seven churches of your spinal medulla?
Did you incarnate the Lamb?
Answer me beloved reader, be sincere with your own self. Put your hand on your heart and answer me with sincerity, are you Self-realized?
Are you sure that with your theories you will convert yourself into a God?
What have you achieved?
What have you received with all your theories?
One who wants to realize the Self needs the revolution of the consciousness: to die, to be born, and to sacrifice oneself.
There exists a revolution of the consciousness when we decapitate the ego, the “I.”
There exists a revolution of the consciousness when we build the solar bodies.
There exists a revolution of the consciousness when we incarnate the Being.
Until that moment, we do not have a real existence.

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