Friday, November 15, 2019

By Maharishi Santsevi Ji Maharaj

Religion (dharma) was given to humanity to provide a civilized
path for the reformation of character in order that its adherents
might reach the ultimate goal (God). But today, it seems that
even religion has lost track of its purpose. Therefore, it is
essential, in this current environment of religious crisis, to
underscore the similar—in the end, identical—underlying
concepts of the various religions. By this means it is possible to
bridge the ever-enlarging gulf that appears to separate the
different religious traditions and between their followers. This
“gulf” is actually an imaginary difference. It is often the result of
superficial (exoteric) interpretations of a given religion which
begin to dissolve when one investigates the tradition at a deeper
(esoteric) level. When the various traditions are seen as different
statements or paths to the same goal, the very image of religion,
as a provider of peace and everlasting freedom, can be reestablished.

Image may contain: flower, plant, nature, outdoor and water

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