Wednesday, May 22, 2019

- Swami Sivananda

“Bliss is the essential nature of man. The central fact of man’s being is his inherent divinity.

"Man’s essential nature is divine, the awareness of which he has lost because of his animal propensities and the veil of ignorance. Man, in his ignorance, identifies himself with the body, mind, Prana and the senses. Transcending these, he becomes one with Brahman or the Absolute who is pure bliss.
"Brahman or the Absolute is the fullest reality, the completest Consciousness. That beyond which there is nothing, that which is the innermost Self of all is Atman or Brahman… It is the pure, absolute, essential Consciousness of all the conscious beings.

"The source of all life, the source of all knowledge is the Atman, thy innermost Self. This Atman or Supreme Soul is transcendent, inexpressible, uninferable, unthinkable, indescribable, the ever-peaceful, all-blissful.
"There is no difference between the Atman and bliss. The Atman is bliss itself. God, perfection, peace, immortality, bliss are one. The goal of life is to attain perfection, immortality or God. The nearer one approaches the Truth, the happier one becomes. For, the essential nature of Truth is positive, absolute bliss.

"There is no bliss in the finite. Bliss is only in the Infinite. Eternal bliss can be had only from the eternal Self.
"To know the Self is to enjoy eternal bliss and everlasting peace. Self-realisation bestows eternal existence, absolute knowledge, and perennial bliss.

"None can be saved without Self-realisation. The quest for the Absolute should be undertaken even sacrificing the dearest object, even life, even courting all pain.
"Study philosophical books as much as you like, deliver lectures and lectures throughout your global tour, remain in a Himalayan cave for one hundred years, practise Pranayama for fifty years, you cannot attain emancipation without the [conscious] realisation [the experience] of the oneness of the Self.” - Swami Sivananda

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