Saturday, May 18, 2019

Dr. R. K. Lahri

The main thought of Hinduism is the Brahman as the only reality. Besides this every thing is unreal. The Supreme Reality is the homogeneous one, an Entire Whole. The appearance of the Multitude plurality as appears is nothing but a superimposition upon the Truth. It remains a Whole. An Infinite entity remains Infinite even if we take an Infinite out of it.

When something comes out of a thing, the cause also goes a change in becoming the effect. Seers say that even after the production of the finite, the Infinite still remains uncontaminated and does not change. Vedanta clearly states that this creation is not like an actual production. Therefore the relation between the world and Truth is not a relation of a cause and effect. The peace invocation quoted above speaks of this truth. This, at a later date, led to theory of Maya or illusion. Leading to the conclusion that world is mirage; an unsubstantial appearance which is superimposed on Brahman, the real par excellence.

According to Shankara, God is both the material and the efficient cause through Maya but not in reality. God has not become the universe, but the universe is not and God is Hindus believe the world as the Absolute Brahman, the undifferentiated Consciousness, Existence and Bliss. It is the phenomenal world which is false. The universes cannot be seen if Brahman does not exist as its substratum. Brahman is Reality of Reality.

In reply to the question, what is Cosmos? Is it Brahman?, the Shvetasvatara Upanishad says thus

The world is the river of God,

Flowing from Him and flowing back to Him.

On this ever revolving wheel of being,

The individual self goes round and round,

Through life after life, believing itself

To be a separate creature, until

It sees its identity with the Lord of Love.

And attains immortality in the Indivisible Whole.

He is the eternal; Reality.

Hindus believe the world as the Absolute Brahman, undifferentiated Consciousness, Existence and Bliss. It is the phenomenal world which is

More by : Dr. R. K. Lahri

Image may contain: plant, sky, flower, tree, outdoor, nature and water

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